Tuesday, October 7, 2014

how to take the smell of them off your sheets when washing them isn't enough

Monday, September 22, 2014

note 1

We tend to act so erratically, so impulsively, so spontaneously, that I sometimes forget my emotions remain stagnant.

As I'm making one-minute decisions, I live with the aftermath years later.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Going to start a fresh start with blogging for who knows what time. I realise that throughout my life, I am the most content writing, no matter what it may be. Being creative, in general.

I think I would most benefit from a public outing, whether or not I share myself on ways I haven't before. A bit of an experiment.

I plan on this blog not only being an outlet to write about shitty, pointless and mediocre things, but also beauty, health, fashion and sort of spiritual-related, since I evolved into my true form- a fucking hippie. But I quite like that, yes.

Here's hoping I stick with it and not delete in a fit of rage because I am me.